William Clay McGehee
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William Clay McGehee took all photos shown on this web site unless otherwise noted (and, of course, unless the photos are of him).
Lt. William "Bill" McGehee aboard the USS Cumberland Sound AV-17
Lt. William "Bill" McGehee aboard the USS Cumberland Sound AV-17, 1944
Lt. William "Bill" McGehee aboard the USS Cumberland Sound AV-17
Lt. William "Bill" McGehee aboard the USS Cumberland Sound AV-17, Spring 1944
Lt. William "Bill" McGehee aboard the USS Cumberland Sound AV-17
Lt. William "Bill" McGehee aboard the USS Cumberland Sound AV-17
Lt. William "Bill" McGehee aboard the USS Cumberland Sound AV-17, December 1944
Aerographer 2/c William "Bill" McGehee, 1942
William "Bill" Clay McGehee, 1944